Joshua Marshall – Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

Boy Testimonial

Joshua Marshall was born with a rare disease, called severe combined immunodeficiency, which impairs his immune system so much that even a minor infection could cost him his life. Thanks to an anonymous cord blood donor, and the transplant team at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh who performed a cord blood transplant when he was 6 months old, Joshua has a mostly functional immune system. Now 7 years old, he is able to play outside on the family farm and enjoy just being a kid.

Read more about how cord blood donations are helping kids like Joshua fight diseases.

Cassidy suffered from Ewing's Sarcoma. Read more about her procedure and experience at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Read Cassidy's Story >>
Cara suffered acute myelogenous leukemia that nearly ended her young life. Learn more about her experience at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Read Cara 's Story >>