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Standing Tall After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery at UPMC

A baby named Callie holding a stuffed giraffe

Callie & Giraffe

When Senna was 20 weeks pregnant with her daughter, Callie, a scan revealed the baby was likely to be born with a double aortic arch – a rare condition in which the aorta separates into two branches above the heart.

This diagnosis was confirmed after Callie’s birth, and in March 2024, Senna and her husband, Matt, opted for a thoracotomy to repair the issue. This was performed by Luciana da Fonseca da Silva, MD.

“Dr. da Silva was such a godsend,” Senna and Matt recall. “She was confident that Callie would have a successful surgery, and we felt so safe with her. Truly amazing from pre-op to post-op.”

Senna and Matt add that Callie’s recovery has gone smoothly, and she’s gotten help from a couple of stuffed giraffes along the way. The first is a small one that Callie has had with her all along. The other – a five-foot-tall giraffe that Senna purchased in the gift shop at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

According to Callie’s mom and dad, “It’s a reminder for her to always stand tall throughout the rest of her life.”

Callie’s treatment and results may not be representative of all similar cases.