Before you leave the house, take some time to review the tips below.
Pointers for Parents
- Tell your sitter where you’re going and how long you will be gone.
- Review the house rules with your sitter.
- Show your sitter emergency fire escape routes.
- Instruct your sitter to have no guests unless you approve in advance.
- Give your sitter feeding and bathing instructions.
- Explain how to handle your child if he/she wakes up.
- If you find you will be home later than planned, phone your sitter and tell him/her.
- Lock up before you leave.
- If your sitter is new, allow time for him/her to get acquainted with your child before you leave.
- Have a clear understanding with your sitter about his/her fee, use of refrigerator, kitchen, television, telephone, computer, etc.
- On your return home, ask the sitter about any phone calls, visitors, emergencies, accidents or unusual occurrences.
- Always escort the sitter home at night.