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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Genetic and Genomic Medicine Research

The Division of Genetic and Genomic Medicine at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh maintains an active basic science and clinical research program. Our research is providing new insight into genetic disorders from which new and better therapies can be developed. The laboratory research program focuses on discovering the underlying causes of genetic diseases, understanding the clinical implications of mutations in genes, and development of novel approaches for treatment of genetic disorders. An active clinical research program collaborates with other genetic programs world wide to evaluate new therapies for genetic disease.

Enroll in a Clinical Study

The Pitt+Me Registry connects community members and patients of all ages with researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC. Parents who enroll their children in the Pitt+Me Registry will learn about research studies in areas of their choosing related to their child’s health.


Research Staff

  • Jennifer Baker, MA
  • Danielle Black, BS
  • Sandra Braden, RN
  • Michele Graham, RN
  • Nadene Henderson, MS, LCGC
  • Angela Leshinski, RD, LDN
  • Jessica Lindenberger, RN
  • Elizabeth McCracken MS, LCGC
  • Tatiana Pomerantz, BS
  • Catherine Walsh Vockley MS, LCGC