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Pediatric Plastic Surgery Research Fellowship

The Division of Pediatric Plastic Surgery at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh is seeking a highly motivated medical student or resident to conduct a fully funded dedicated research fellowship year. Research focus will be in pediatric plastic surgery, cleft and craniofacial surgery, imaging and machine learning as well as health services research. As the fellow, you will manage the extensive research enterprise within the Division, work closely with amazing residents, craniofacial fellows, and leaders in the field of pediatric plastic and craniofacial surgery, and gain invaluable experience in organization, grant funding, data collection and analysis, as well as abstract and manuscript preparation and presentation. Self-starters and motivated applicants should expect to have over 15-20 manuscripts from their fellowship.

Description of Fellowship Responsibilities and Objectives

  1. Gain an understanding of the importance of human protection and laws which govern clinical research
  2. Become proficient at study design, methodology, data collection, and storage protocols
  3. Create databases and abstract data to determine outcomes and other study endpoints of interest
  4. Analyze data for interpretation
  5. Prepare abstracts for scientific meetings and manuscripts for publication
  6. Run monthly research meetings to keep projects moving forward
  7. Communicate with students, residents, the research coordinator, and attendings to ensure project timelines and goals are met
  8. Prepare and present conference posters and presentations

How to Apply

To apply for the Pediatric Plastic Surgery Research Fellowship, candidates should send their CV, a letter of interest, and a letter of recommendation to:

Kacey Marra, PhD
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Plastic Surgery

Candidates with questions or who require additional information about the Pediatric Plastic Surgery Research Fellowship should email Dr. Kacey Marra at