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Metabolic Disease

For children with metabolic disease, a liver transplant can restore life — in more ways than one.

Liver transplants save lives. This is something we know firsthand here at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

We’ve performed more pediatric liver transplants than any other center in the United States.

And now, liver transplants are improving the lives of more children with metabolic disease. In some cases, it even cures their disease.

This is due to our:

  • Advanced understanding of metabolic disease in children.
  • Improved pre- and post-transplant medical care.
  • Expertise in liver transplantation.

Learn how a liver transplant for metabolic disease might help your child.

Liver Transplant for Metabolic Disease at Children's Hospital Facts

  • Liver transplants can greatly reduce symptoms and improve quality of life for many children with metabolic disease.
  • UPMC Children’s Hospital has performed more than 1,700 liver transplants. Our one- and three-year liver transplant survival rates exceed national averages.
  • We’ve performed more than 330 liver transplants for children with metabolic disease — more than any other transplant center in the country, including adult centers.
  • In 2004, we worked with the Clinic for Special Children in Strasburg, Pa. to develop the liver transplant protocol for children with Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD). Since then, we’ve performed over 65 liver transplants on children and young adults with MSUD — more than any other center in the world.
  • We're one of the top 10 pediatric hospitals in the nation, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report.

Watch the webinar: Giving New Hope to Children with Metabolic Disease.